Should I Learn PHP in 2023?

2 years ago

By 2023, PHP will be 12 years old. It's been around quite a while, but does that mean it's going…

PHP variables in JavaScript file

2 years ago

As a PHP developer, it has been a real problem for me to use PHP variables in JavaScript files, and…

Freelancers vs Web Development Companies

2 years ago

Hello entrepreneurs. Freelancers vs web development companies, which is better? If you are reading this article then you are probably having…

How to use Tailwind and Bootstrap together

2 years ago

Using tailwind and bootstrap together has been a real problem for many developers but after the new version of Tailwind,…

The Complete Guide on Why Web Developers Demand Higher Salaries

2 years ago

Web developers have never been more in demand. With the changing world of technology, every small or large business wants…

Web development skills to start earning money

3 years ago

In this blog, we are going to see what are those web development skills to start earning money. When you…

Make a python script run every hour on a Ubuntu VPS using crontab

3 years ago

Welcome back! Today's blog is all about how to run a python script every minute or hour on a Ubuntu…

How to build an A.I powered Twitter Bot using Tweepy python library 2022

3 years ago

Welcome back! Today's blog is about how you can create an A.I powered Twitter bot using the well-known python library…

How to become a web developer without any degree

3 years ago

Well, the time has changed now as well the mindset of people. People now prefer to learn useful things by…

Top 3 best programming languages for web development

4 years ago

If you are willing to become a web developer and can’t decide which programming language you should use or learn.…

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