
Freelancers vs Web Development Companies

Hello entrepreneurs. Freelancers vs web development companies, which is better?

If you are reading this article then you are probably having problems with finding a good web development company for your project which costs less with efficient work. But in most cases, businesses don’t need a web development company but only a single web developer who can do the same work as would a company but at a much less price. But you might actually need a company as well, so let’s see what option is best for you and how to find them with less prices. So let’s go over the freelancers vs web development companies.

The Importance of a website for your business.

Every business in this new era must have a website, if you don’t have an online presence then you are not thinking about the future of your business well. Whether it’s a small or newborn business or a large organization, every business needs a website.

A website is a credible part of your business. Just the way a building would be to any other business. It mainly serves as an entry point and it generates traffic to the store.

Website development is not easy, you need careful planning and scheduling if you are going to meet your deadlines right. Beginners tend to struggle with this difficult job that needs a wide range of skill sets which makes it even more complicated for them that the completion date tests its limits sometimes. Experts, on the other hand, are less likely to ever run into these issues because their years of experience make it clear that there is no such thing as too much time allocated for the project from start to finish without sacrificing anything on quality.

Some experts recommend allotting 3-6 months time frame just for the design process with another 2-6 months tenure allocated strictly for development till we have a live responsive website working in browsers and mobile devices such as desktops and smartphones whether they use PCs or Macs, Android or iOS operating. But that does not apply to everyone because each website is different and has different features and functionalities. If you only need a static website informing people about your website, it should be ready within a week not half a year.

However, we will go through how much time and budget you should have for your business, whether you hiring a company or a freelance web developer.

Freelancers vs Web Development Companies

Many people don’t know what they are spending on and what exactly they need. In most cases, businesses don’t need a company working on their project but only a single freelance web developer. And in some cases, they actually need a company for their project because a single web developer might not be able to fulfill your requirements in a short time.

After going through the freelancers vs web development companies sections, you should be able to make a good decision.

Freelance Web developer

If you are a startup or a medium company with a budget then it’s better to hire a freelance web developer than a company. They charge less for the same website than a company would charge and the results are mostly the same. Actually many companies hire freelance web developers for the work you are giving them to complete it.

If you are trying to build a services website or big whole e-commerce, a freelance can help. However, they will take more time than a company would because it’s a single person working on your project.

But hiring a freelance web developer off-platform can be risky, always make sure that you are hiring a freelance web developer on a platform like Upwork or Fiverr. We will get into more detail on this topic later in this article.


  • Cheap Prices – freelancers charge way more money than a company
  • Specific expertise – freelancers are usually experts in a single programming language which makes them better for your website development.
  • Schedule – freelancers work whenever required so there is no fixed time and it’s highly beneficial if the client and the freelancer are in different time zones.


  • Risk – It can be risky if you are working with a freelance off-platform.

Even if you hire a company for your project, having a freelance web developer on your team is highly beneficial because they are available more than a company would be to solve your urgent issues on your website.

Web Development Companies

Companies are the best choice for your if you don’t care about the price of your project because they can create your complex website in a way shorter time than a single freelance web developer would.

They have a whole professional and expert team who can build your website with better design and structure. Most companies provide support even after development (unlike freelancers, if not paid for support).


  • Reliable – You can rely on a company because they are always there.
  • Professionals – Companies mostly hire web developers with proper degrees or certificates so you can be sure that your website is in hands of professionals. Most freelancers are also professional but some ain’t.
  • Support – Companies usually are available after the web development for any bugs or updates. They might charge but they are available, unlike many freelancers.


  • High Prices – Companies charge a lot more than a freelancer would for the same results.

When It comes to freelancers vs web development companies, personally, I recommend companies for big corporations and businesses with high budgets but for startups and companies with a fixed budget, I would recommend Freelancers.

How Much Does it Cost To Hire A Professional Web Developer?

It depends on your website, I’m a freelance web developer myself (at least at the time I’m writing this) and I get clients saying that your gigs say less or more of what you are asking and It’s true. But as I mentioned before, every website has its own prices.

The prices we are going to see are only for website creation, it does not include hosting, domain, SSL certificate, and such things.

Let’s see what would a freelance cost you to build your website.

  • Single Landing page – It usually depends on how much content your landing page has but if it’s like most of the landing page then it should not cost more than $120 dollars.
  • Informational Website – If you are looking for a simple informational website that contains information about your company and services (3-5 pages) then a professional web developer would charge you around $300-$500 on platforms like Fiverr and Upwork.
  • Services Website – If on your website the customer can purchase your services and it’s not too complex then the price would be around $1k-$1.5k
  • E-commerce – There are a lot of types of e-commerce websites but if you only need a website with products, payment integration, and such typical features that an e-commerce site would have. it would cost around $800-$3k
  • Custom Built Website – If you are searching for a custom-built website with your custom requirements then there is no definite prices or any price range. The better option is to get in touch with freelancers on freelancing platforms.

These are the price ranges of a professional web developer freelancer, however, it depends on the freelancer’s experience on how they will charge and sometimes also how many orders they have in enqueue.

How Much Do Companies Cost?

Companies, no one knows how much they will cost because every company has its own prices and they differ from each other in a big way.

However, I have collected some information that may help you but It might differ from the company you are approaching for your website.

So let’s go over how much would a company cost you for your website.

  • Single Landing Page – As mentioned before it depends on how much content you have on your landing page but a typical landing page would cost around $300-$500.
  • Informational Website – If you are looking for a simple informational website that contains information about your company and services (3-5 pages) then a company/agency would charge you around $1k-$1.5k.
  • Services Website – If on your website the customer can purchase your services and it’s not too complex then the price would be around $3k-$5k
  • E-commerce – There are a lot of types of e-commerce websites but you only need a website with products, payment integration, and such typical features that an e-commerce site would have. it would cost around $5k-$10k
  • Custom Built Website – If you are searching for a custom-built website with your custom requirements then there is no definite prices or any price range. The better option is to get in touch with the company.

These prices only include website creation, it does not include hosting, domain, SSL certificate, and such things. However, usually, companies provide that too within development cost or with some extra charges.

What are the Best Platforms for Hiring Freelancers and Agencies?

Now that we know what to expect for the web development cost, let’s see where to find the best freelancers or agencies for your website.

For web development companies, you would need to find a local one, you can do a single google search for web development companies near me and you should find the best one near you.

However, for freelancers, there are many platforms that will help you find a great web developer or a freelance agency. Platforms including Fiverr and Upwork can be a great choice for finding your freelance web developer. As I mentioned before you should always work on a platform so that your funds are secure and you get what you requested.

But before you go to these freelancing platforms, there are some points to keep in mind before you hire the freelancer.

  • Check his/her profile – Make sure that he has a complete profile and has been on that platform for at least 3 months.
  • Check for reviews – Look for reviews in the freelancer’s profile, if he has more than 5% of negative reviews and he/she has not replied to those reviews then I recommend not to hire
  • .Fair Pricing – As I described before you should check if the prices are fair as mentioned above of how much it does cost.
  • Communication – Get in touch with the freelancer, and check if he is good in English and can communicate in a good and fast manner.

With these points, you should be able to judge if he/she is the web developer you are looking for. Now let’s see how you can hire them on Fiverr or Upwork.


On Fiverr, you can’t search for the freelancer itself but you will be searching for a gig (services). After signing up, you will see a search bar at the top left corner, search for the type of website you need, for example, “custom-built website” or “e-commerce website” and you should see a lot of gigs there. I recommend choosing a freelancer who is at least a One Level Seller.


On Upwork, you can search for a freelancer itself as well as a gig (services). After signing up, you should see a search bar on the top right corner, select Talent from the list of what you are looking for, and then type “web developer” or more specifically “PHP web developer”. And you should see a lot of freelancers. On Upwork, all of the freelancers are authentic and are required to add their own profile picture to their profile (unlike Fiverr).

And that’s a wrap!

That was our freelancers vs web development companies comparison. I hope I was able to help you choose either a company or a freelance web developer as per your needs.

Thank you for your time!

Kachkol Asa

Zubair Baloch/Kachkol Asa is a full-stack web developer with expertise in PHP, Python, and freelancing.

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